
I am passionate about sharing my craft and have had the privilage of speaking at a number of technology related conferences and meetups.

Topics I get excited about

These are the topics that are currently getting me excited. I'll update these over time as my interests develop.

The JAMstack

The JAMstack refers to building static sites (ie, no database or php) using modern tooling and programming practices. It's come a long way in recent years and we have more tools available than ever.

The Beans Framework

This talk introduces the audience to the Beans framework, what problems it attempts to solve, a breakdown of the various api's that are included and lastly some examples of using Beans in a real-world project.

Bootstrap Business

How do you launch your idea when you don't have access to funding? Myself and my business partners bootstrapped a number of online companies, each gaining their own success and failures along the way.

My Startup Journey

A brief history of the three digital product companies I helped create, our sweet taste of success, our descent down the rabbit hole, a tale of not giving up and a bunch of solid lessons learnt along the way.

Past Talks

Below are some of my past talks from when I was still working with Joomla!.

Content Construction with Zoo

For those new to content construction and the Zoo component for Joomla. The talk covered an overview of how content construction works, an overview of Zoo's features and a couple tricks I learnt along the way.

  • JoomlaDay South Africa

    Aug, 2011 · Cape Town, South Africa


  • JoomlaDay Malaysia

    Jun, 2011 · Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Introduction to Morph

An introduction to Morph, the Joomla template framework we created back in 2009. The talk included a demo of the setup process and admin user interface and finally some practical examples of theming using child-themes.

  • JoomlaDay South Africa

    Aug, 2011 · Cape Town, South Africa


  • JoomlaDay Malaysia

    Jun, 2011 · Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Rapid Template Development with Joomla, YUI and jQuery

A two part presentation that covered my tips and tips for rapid Joomla development, using Yahoo's YUI library and jQuery.