Introducing the (ficticious) Onyx CLI
This is an idea I've been pondering for sometime and has evolved from wanting to create a collection of preset starters for the different stacks I use, eliminating the repetitive tasks when starting a new project, back to a command line tool, that would use (configurable) smart presets to quickly spin up new site using my defined presets.
Once installed, the cli would maintain a library of npm packages, a configurable package.json, starter files for presets, templates, fonts, etc.
.onyx.onyx/_package.json (baseline package.json).onyx/generators (astro, nuxt, sveltekit).onyx/sources (markdown, directus, airtable, ghost, postgres).onyx/packages (sitemap, seo, mastercss, tailwind, vercel, components).onyx/presets (default.json, custom.json).onyx/commands (defines cli commands, with options to add new).onyx/base (default starter files for all projects).onyx/auth (supported auth providers).onyx/deploy (presets for different deployment providers).onyx/web (visual project starter).onyx/os (presets for different operating systems).onyx/config (set defaults via the config.json)
o n / o new / onyx n / onyx new would all work, though short hand is recommended.
- o n start new project.
- o u update all packages.
- o i install a package for offline use.
- o p push commits & trigger new deploy.
- o d run ‘codium . && browse . && firefox && clear && pnpm dev’. // OS Specific.
- o h display a list of commands and tips.
- o c Conig screen to set preferred package manager, host, css lib, browser, dev app, custom default packages & presets, etc. Auto detect host to adjust the terminal commands.
Onyx new:
1.) Set folder name
Makes folder in current directory && enters into it.
Sets the folder as the destination for the configurable package.json and adds the baseline package.json to the folder.
Adds baseline files/folders (/public, package.json, .ignore, .env).
Initiate repo in the folder.
> mkdir my-project && cd my-project
> copy * -R /source/base /my-project
> git init && git commit "Initial commit"
2.) Configure your site
Adds packages, relevant config/files & commits to the repo.
- Sitemap
- Fonts
- Icon
- Component Library
- Utilities
- Templates
- Layouts
3.) What are you using to author your content
Not shown if preset is set.
- Content Collections
- Markdown
- Astro Studio
- Tina CMS
- Obsidian
- Sveltia CMS
- Netlify Create
- Other
- Directus
- Ghost
- Netlify Create
4.) Select a css strategy
If one is selected, adds the necessary packages, config & adds a global variable to the .env to be used in the class assignment.
Not shown if preset is set.
- None
- Master CSS
- Tailwind CSS
- Lightening CSS
- UnoCSS
5.) Select your host
Adds deployment adapter package to node_modes and updates the package.json.
Not shown if preset is set.
- Vercel
- Netlify
- Cloudflare
- Github Pages
- UnoCSS
- Alerts
- Breadcrumbs
- Button
- Dialogue
- Drawer
- Flex
- Lightbox
- Overlay
- Nav
- Pagination
- Toggle
- Grid
- Track
- Notifications
- Forms
- Input
- Select
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Accordians
- Card
- Carousel
- Cta
- Gallery
- Tabs
- Slider
- Slugify
- Markdownify
- Taxonomy
- Sort
- Reading time
- Date